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Photo of Emma DavisEmma Davis

Program Assistant for Global Education
+1 919-843-5287
3019 FedEx Global Education Center

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Emma Davis is the program assistant for global education at UNC Global Affairs. She began this role in 2024 and provides administrative and programming support to the global education team. At UNC Global Affairs, the global education team manages COIL and the Diplomacy Initiative. Emma supports both of those programs. She plays a significant role in organizing the department’s recurring speaker series, called Diplomatic Discussions. 

While studying at Carolina, Emma worked for the North Carolina Scholastic Media Association, the state’s high school press association, assisting with events, programs, awards, marketing and communication. There, she earned the Kay Phillips Distinguished Service Award. After graduating, she worked for Participate Learning, a global education company, supporting the education programs team, which oversaw dual language and global leaders programs. 

Emma earned her bachelor’s degrees in linguistics and education from UNC-Chapel Hill. She enjoys reading fiction, learning languages, trying new restaurants and traveling to new places. She lives in Durham. 


Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA

B.A., Education and Linguistics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill