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Thomas Lasater

Program Coordinator for the Duke-UNC Rotary Peace Center and Fulbright Visitor Program
+1 919-843-4887
1207 FedEx Global Education Center

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Thomas Lasater is the program coordinator for the Duke-UNC Rotary Peace Center and inbound Fulbright programs. He has served in this role since 2022. Along with the Rotary Peace Center’s managing director, he manages daily operations of the center and works closely with the Rotary Peace Fellows. Additionally, he is the main contact for visiting Fulbright students and scholars studying, teaching or conducting research at Carolina. 

Previously, Thomas was a senior associate at Command Group, a national security and global intelligence consulting firm in Washington, D.C. He specialized in open-source intelligence analysis and supported multiple security advisory and business management projects for clients in the private sector. Before that, he was an intern at the U.S. Department of State in the political section at the U.S. Embassy in Rome. He represented the embassy to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and the NATO Defense College, working on issues such as regional security and global migration. 

Thomas earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from UNC-Chapel Hill, and is an avid Carolina basketball fan. He previously served as a Carolina Covenant Mentor and volunteer for the Refugee Support Center, tutoring individuals in the U.S. citizenship test. He loves his small cat, Pepper, and lives in Durham. 


Lillington, North Carolina, USA

B.A., Political Science and Religious Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
M.A., Global Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill