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Yelena Mirzoyan

Business Services Coordinator
+1 919-843-3577
1205 FedEx Global Education Center


Yelena Mirzoyan is the business services coordinator at UNC Global Affairs. She has served in this role since 2004. She supports human resources duties for the department, including recruitment and hiring duties of staff and student employees, serving as the TIM administrator for the unit positions, processing payments for campus recipients of global funding awards (e.g., curriculum development awards) and independent contractors, and acting as parking services coordinator for the unit. She also supports accounting duties for the department, including reconciling monthly P-card transactions and assigning payment sources for all travel requests in Concur. Yelena also performs administrative duties including ordering office supplies, hardware and software, and maintaining departmental listservs. 

Before joining UNC Global Affairs, Yelena worked at Carolina’s anesthesiology department, supporting the human resources officer and accountant. 

Yelena lives with her family in Chapel Hill. 


Moscow, Russia


State Service Recognition, 20 years, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill