Carolina guarantees a global education to every Tar Heel
January 18, 2025
As the nation’s oldest public university, UNC-Chapel Hill’s history is one of excellence in education, research and service to the state of North Carolina. For 20 years, Carolina has ranked No. 1 for best value in education in the U.S. That remarkable achievement is rooted in our commitment to make excellence accessible.
Five years ago, the University amplified this commitment with the Global Guarantee, which promises to make a global education available to every Carolina student.
In committing to offer the richest menu of global education opportunities possible, we took an ambitious step. But given Carolina’s extensive language learning offerings, our six area studies centers (all of them designated National Resource Centers and funded by the U.S. Department of Education), strong participation in study abroad and curricula in Global Studies and Peace, War and Defense, we knew we were building on standout Carolina strengths.
In UNC Global Affairs, we have dedicated our efforts to delivering this promise, working closely with others across campus — in every school and with dozens of faculty — who are equally committed to ensuring our students have access to a transformative global education.
The Global Guarantee is no longer merely an ambition. We have made it a reality. This is a signature achievement of my time at Carolina, and I am grateful to everyone who worked with us to deliver the Global Guarantee.
Study abroad
Tar Heels have made study in another country part of their Carolina education for decades, but with the release of the 2024 Open Doors Report, I am thrilled our University now ranks ninth among all U.S. universities for study abroad participation. The Study Abroad Office makes this possible for thousands of students each year, providing critical support and generous funding, including more than $1.2 million in scholarships last year.
As a result of a comprehensive program review, all Carolina students participating in a study abroad program can count on a reliable local university or other partner on the ground committed to their well-being. This is good for students, and it’s good for the University.
In 2020, UNC Global Affairs launched Carolina’s COIL program. COIL stands for Collaborative Online International Learning, and in a COIL course, Carolina students work with students in another country to complete assignments, such as writing a business plan, composing an original creative work, or comparing approaches to health care. Our faculty have embraced this innovative and flexible approach to delivering the Global Guarantee.
Last fall, Carolina instructors incorporated COIL into 18 courses with 460 students enrolled. This spring, there are 22 COIL courses, and UNC Global Affairs administered more curriculum development awards for spring 2025 than any previous semester. Many of these are language courses — Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, Swahili and Polish — but faculty across disciplines and departments have experienced the benefits COIL brings to their classrooms.
This spring, faculty in four of Carolina’s health affairs schools — School of Medicine, School of Nursing, Gillings School of Global Public Health and Eshelman School of Pharmacy — as well as the College of Arts and Sciences, Hussman School of Journalism and Media and School of Education are offering COIL courses. Hundreds of students gain access to global education through COIL each semester, at no additional cost, in the best Carolina tradition of affordable, accessible excellence.
Carolina Diplomacy Fellows
On January 30, UNC Global Affairs will launch Carolina Diplomacy Fellows. Students in any major or school are invited to become a fellow.
Since we established the Diplomacy Initiative in 2021, students have asked how they can be part of it. The Diplomacy Initiative is open to everyone, and now Carolina Diplomacy Fellows offers a roadmap for students to gain the knowledge, skills and career preparation to become tomorrow’s global problem-solvers.
Through participating in Diplomatic Discussions, Washington Week, the annual Policy Brief Competition, Diplomacy Lab and more, students grapple with global challenges, investigate innovative solutions and practice skills like listening in the search to find common ground.
Carolina Diplomacy Fellows will receive digital badges and a certificate of completion, as well as priority access to selected events. They will build community with fellow Tar Heels interested in global affairs, and network with alumni and professionals in global affairs.
All are welcome to join us for the launch of Carolina Diplomacy Fellows on January 30, 5:30–6:45 p.m., in the Florence and James Peacock Atrium in the FedEx Global Education Center.
As we have taken the Global Guarantee from aspiration to reality, I firmly believe that Carolina is becoming one of the best universities in the country to prepare students for careers in global affairs. We are cultivating the next generation of leaders who will help solve some of the world’s grand challenges.
Every Carolina student has access to global education opportunities that equip them with the knowledge, awareness and skills to succeed in an increasingly competitive and interconnected workforce.
A global education is for every Tar Heel, our guarantee to you.