Holi Moli Celebration Brings Color to Carolina’s Campus
April 24, 2017
University Communications
Hooker Fields turned into a canvas of colors on April 21, 2017 as students at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill celebrated the annual Holi Moli UNC event.
UNC students wearing white T-shirts crowded onto Hooker Fields. When the call was given, they threw pink, purple, green and blue powder into the sky. As the powder fell, it painted the students’ white shirts and everything it touched with bright colors.
The event was sponsored by Hindu Yuva, Sangam, the Multicultural Affairs and Diversity Outreach committee of Student Government and the Campus Y. The event is meant to promote multiculturalism and diversity at Carolina by celebrating the arrival of spring through the Hindu holiday of Holi and by raising awareness and funds for social justice initiatives in our community.
The first Holi Moli celebration at UNC was in 2008.