New Website Launched for Exploring Global Tuberculosis Data
March 25, 2019
Carolina Population Center
Mark Green, administrator of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) launched a new tuberculosis data hub on March 20 in Washington, D.C., and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is playing a large role.
Tuberculosis data from 23 USAID priority countries, along with global tuberculosis data, is housed on the new interactive website, built by project partners UNC-Chapel Hill and John Snow, Inc. (JSI). Carolina is the prime contractor for the project, with $35 million award announced September 2018.
The award is the first from USAID under its Global Accelerator to End TB initiative. The Accelerator focuses on performance-based measures to determine if programs are succeeding in reaching and curing people with tuberculosis. USAID describes the data hub, along with other projects that will follow, as a new business model to combat the world’s most deadly infectious disease.
This Carolina-led project is among the first to provide interactive tuberculosis data streams that users can interpret, analyze and query to visualize what data can reveal about disease trends and best practices in fighting tuberculosis. The website also contains important global data on tuberculosis, tools for health providers and policymakers, reports on project successes, country strategies and global efforts against tuberculosis.
The TB Data Hub is hosted by UNC-Chapel Hill.