UNC Refugee Wellness Collaborative to Receive Grant
February 26, 2018
School of Social Work
Triangle Community Foundation is awarding a $14,620 grant to the UNC Refugee Wellness Collaborative, which is based in the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Social Work and supports mental health and wellness services for refugees living in the Triangle.
“We are most grateful,” said Josh Hinson, program director and a clinical assistant professor at the School. “Refugee resettlement programs are facing dire circumstances nationwide … our refugee clients are experiencing increased fear and anxiety.
“The federal grant under which we are funded will not be continued after July 2018,” Hinson added. “This [Triangle Community Foundation] funding will contribute significantly to our ability to provide mental health services to refugees in the Triangle for another year.”
The UNC Refugee Wellness Collaborative is one of 15 Triangle nonprofits to receive grants from the Triangle Community Foundation this year, according to Gina Andersen, community programs officer for the Foundation. The funding is a one-time grant through the Foundation’s “Giving Together” campaign.