New Heart Attack Registry to Provide Unprecedented Insight into STEMI Occurrence, Treatment in North India
October 14, 2019
School of Medicine
Doctor Sameer Arora, a UNC School of Medicine cardiology fellow, is leading a study reviewing hospitalizations for a certain type of heart attack in two hospitals in northern India. This is the first prospective cohort study of this magnitude in the region and is already providing unique data about opportunities to improve STEMI management in India.
A new study published in Clinical Cardiology introduces the North Indian (NORIN) ST‐Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) Registry and provides preliminary data collected since its start in January of this year. The prospective cohort study’s first author, doctor Sameer Arora, UNC School of Medicine cardiology fellow and preventive medicine resident, says researchers will follow approximately 3,500 patients admitted for STEMI treatment to two government-funded medical centers in New Delhi, India.
These hospitals serve a large proportion of the patients with lower socioeconomic status presenting from multiple states in India, as many centers in these states lack adequate specialized cardiovascular care. The NORIN STEMI registry aims to provide important insights regarding contemporary risk factors profiles, practice patterns and prognosis in patients with STEMI in an underserved population in North India. These findings may identify opportunities to improve the outcomes of patients with STEMI in the country.
Read more on the School of Medicine’s website.