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National University of Singapore

A leading public university founded in 1905, the National University of Singapore (NUS) is consistently ranked among the best schools in Asia and the world and serves more than 40,000 undergraduate and graduate students with a focus on Asian perspectives and expertise. The partnership originated in 2003 between the UNC-Chapel Hill College of Arts and Sciences and the NUS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS). Since then, student exchanges and faculty relationships have flourished between the College, Kenan-Flagler Business School, Honors Carolina, and School of Dentistry at UNC-Chapel Hill and FASS, Faculty of Science, University Scholars Program (honors), School of Computing, Business School, and Faculty of Dentistry at NUS. In 2020, UNC and NUS’s established the DentAlliance, together with King’s College London and the University of Melbourne, to advance and transform research, education and practice in dentistry and the oral and craniofacial health sciences. More than 850 students from both universities have studied at the partner university for a summer, semester, or year, including an option for science students to pursue summer lab research.

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